Welcome to the web pages of RND Engineering

(Incorporating ACE Automotive)

OFFICIAL UK Distributor for ProCharger
- since 2003

NEWS - March 2021

The core of our activities is now the bespoke development, design and machining work undertaken in connection with our long-standing expertise in American and Ford V6 engines.

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Tech, Vehicle Kits, Application Lists - Cars, SUV, Bikes

Ford Mustang 1969
Dodge Challenger: 800 BHP from a ProCharger equipped supercharged V6.

Applications now invited for ProCharger road and track conversions. Some - e.g. Honda Civic and American V8 - are available in the form of off-the-shelf kits. If your installation is not listed, please contact us for just an engine, or else a complete vehicle development quotation.

69 Mustang ProCharger installation
Check out our Chevrolet, Ford, and Rover V8 pages, Ford V6 components and Dodge Viper V10 conversions too!

Engine bay of '69 Mustang V8. ProCharger centrifugal supercharger at bottom
right front of picture provides instant pick-up without the damaging shock-loading
of traditional lobe-type Rootes type blowers. 'Blow-through' installation uses
pressurised carburettor with air relief valve on branched 'Y' of intake manifolding

NOTE: you are a TVR Speed 6 owner looking for the range of components and upgrades we originally developed for these cars, please contact: Eric van Spelde at Speed Eight Performance or email - h.vanspelde@inter.nl.net

ProCharger supercharger
ProCharger supercharger. Note the radial vanes on the
compressor wheel to the right of image.

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